All of the Allies of Humanity Briefings are available free online. Begin the journey with Allies Book Four.
The Allies of Humanity are a group of individuals from several different worlds who came to the vicinity of the Earth to observe the alien Intervention that is occurring in our world and to report on the activities of this Intervention and its implications for the human race.
Through their Briefings, the Allies are revealing the reality of Contact occurring in the world today—who the visitors are, why they are here and the larger agenda behind their activities. In doing so, the Briefings fill in many of the critical gaps in our understanding of the reality of extraterrestrial visitation and the UFO phenomenon, which have been the focus of research and inquiry for over seven decades.
These Briefings are part of a greater communication from those races in our local universe who support humanity’s freedom and sovereignty as it emerges into a “Greater Community” of life. This is an authentic message from an extraterrestrial source, warning us of the dangers of Intervention from beyond and urging us to prepare for the challenges of life in the universe.
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- Print version: New Knowledge Library or Amazon.
- Ebook format: New Knowledge Library, Kindle version for just $0.99 from Amazon, Apple Books or Google Play.
Start reading the Briefings online now
Table of Contents:
A Message from Marshall Vian Summers
Briefing One: Who We Are and What We Represent
Briefing Two: The Importance of Restraint
Briefing Three: Freedom in the Universe
Briefing Four: Higher Powers
Briefing Five: The Great Coordination
Briefing Six: The Networks of the Wise
12-Point Summary of the Allies of Humanity Briefings
The Society for The New Message is now providing all four volumes of The Allies of Humanity online at no cost. We do this so that this message can reach as many people as possible, both at the grass roots and in positions of political, economic and religious power.